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VIP 工作流 IC-Light-Native.给定FG和光照贴图,生成BG并重新光照。来自右侧的光照(IC-Light-Native.Given FG and light map, Genereate BG and relight.Light from right) 2 月前 0 0 6 29
VIP 工作流 IC-Light-Native。给定FG,生成BG并重新点亮。如果想保留fg对象的原始颜色,可以将fg对象放在潜在空间中以进一步指导生成。(IC-Light-Native. Given FG,Generate BG and relight.If you want to keep the original color of the fg object, you can put the fg object in the latent space to further guide the generation.) 2 月前 0 0 4 29